What is this device?

It is a fast and reliable board, ready to connect to any MDB payment system as an MDB master device, do handle one bill validator/recycler, one coin acceptor/changer and up to two cashless devices (either credit/debit cards readers and closed loop RFID/QR/etc). It can simultaneously connect to a vending machine, emulating a cashless device (Level 2 or 3 only). The device can be configured to operate as an MDB master only, as an MDB cashless only or as a bridge managed over the USB interface, simultaneously handling MDB payment systems and cashless requests from a vending machine. It is ideal for telemetry systems development, cashless systems, age verification systems, etc.

You only need to get familiar with a minimum set of information regarding the MDB cash and cashless transactions flow and you will not need to learn anything about MDB low level protocol, timings and CRC calculation.

This device can be used together with one or several PICOVEND EZ ESP 8X modules (8 relays module), to allow direct control of 8 to 64 external electrical circuits. For example, it can be used to control, using a single payment point and payment systems set, up to 64 washing machines, dryers and other equipment, for a self service laundry solution, for car washing self service solutions, kiddie rides, etc.

We can ship this device with 3 different firmware versions (combo/master only/slave only). If you are planning to use it as a master or slave only, just let us know when you place the order

This device is ready for the market. Send us an e-mail if you need commercial details.

How it's working?

That is easy, you need to configure the device MDB master and slave parameters and you are good to go. The device can handle MDB coin acceptor/changers, bill validators/recyclers and cashless devices It can emulate the MDB block of a vending machine with Level 2 or Level 3 options for cashless devices, including always idle function.

It can be used as an USB to MDB master (connecting MDB payment systems to USB) or as a cashless device to a vending machine. You just need to write a simple software, in order to handle the entire flow.

What you need to do?

Almost nothing. You need to only set the correct working parameters, connect it to the payment systems and/or the vending machine and start writing your vending machine application. You only need to take care about your vending machine business flow, user interface and other functions and forget about MDB payment systems handling.

After initialization, you will be able to use a simple ASCII protocol to handle cash and cashless transactions, receive money, recharge cashless devices, etc.

Can I go deeper on the MDB protocol?

Yes, we can develop some custom peripherals if your project requires that and we can even create a custom firmware, upon your needs.


Using MDB bridge in combo mode (master and slave) Download the manual
Using MDB bridge in master mode only Download the manual
Using MDB bridge in master mode only - v2.00 Download the manual
Vending machine simulator - for master mode version Download application
Using MDB bridge in slave mode only Download the manual
Using MDB bridge in slave mode only v2 (after 15.08.2023) Download the manual